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The sun rises, and the sun sets


The sun rises, and the sun sets, 2020, video (color, sound), 02'56".








The sun rises, and the sun sets is an edited video with a piece of dramatic background music containing 3 different scenes in which the universal human behaviors are simplified to several abstract and uncanny elements. Neither storyline happens in these scenes, nor any determine meaning conveyed in these scenes which are not connected by a conventional narrative. Moreover, the name of the work extracted from the Old Testament, Ecclesiastes 1:5 implies such a mental state within a man who is doing ordinary things like eating and sleeping day by day yet doesn’t realize what he is doing. 


In The sun rises, and the sun sets, the viewers encounter the images devoid of meaningful content that do not convey or assert any kind of conventional message. What is more, the dramatic music accompanies the film intensifies the above feeling of failing to seek a definitive meaning as well as the feeling of being involved, thus making the viewers concentrate on what is happening in the video at that moment instead of being distracted by outside forces. In this sense, what the audiences experience is kind of purely spiritual moment that engenders a disruption of our cognitive capacity dismantling the sense of the continuity of time, thus reintegrating the existing frame of meaning within viewers.






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